A Facility To Incubate Technological Ideas.

Wellcome to EDII - ABIRF

Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute – Anna Business Incubation Research Foundation(EDII – ABIRF) is a section 8 company located at the University College of Engineering, BIT Campus, Anna University, Tiruchirapalli, and supported by the Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute.

Anna Business Incubation Research Foundation is a facility to incubate technological ideas or innovations to enable startups to succeed in the marketplace.

"Empowering Innovation and Entrepreneurship"

Incubate Technological Ideas.

EDII - ABIRF is a facility to incubate technological ideas or innovations to enable start-ups to succeed in the marketplace.

Research And Development.

We believe that there are gaps in the innovation-entrepreneurship-investment ecosystem, which has vetoed full utilization of the R&D work.

Guide And Support.

To guide and support potent entrepreneurs to avail funding from the funding agencies for product realization and communicatio.